Teaching & Learning - London East Alternative Provision

Teaching & Learning


In order to allow all pupils to engage with their learning and to maximise the progress that they make during their time at LEAP, the Quality of Teaching and Learning must be consistently of a high standard. Teaching and Learning is at the heart of what we do and with this focus and high expectations, learning leaders at LEAP will enable all pupils to make at least good progress, irrespective of their starting point.

The headline areas that ensure successful Teaching and Learning at LEAP:

  1. Sharing of Learning Intentions & Success Criteria at every stage of learningStudents should know what the learning intention is and what success looks like at the end of the lesson.  The working at grade of the lesson is shared with pupils.
  2. Effective Questioning to stretch and challenge all pupils.  Blooms Taxonomy should be employed to cater for all needs and to ensure that pupils are engaging and progressing throughout their lesson.  Effective questioning includes thinking time and a no opt out rule.
  3. Visible progress measured against the success criteria and learning intention.  Students are able to demonstrate new skills learned and are empowered to take their learning to the next stage.  Progress will be evident through books. 
  4. Appropriate and individualised Challenge for each pupil at every stage of their learning. Differentiation is well planned and well utilised.  Problem solving skills are nurtured with an emphasis on key vocabulary and not shying away from higher concepts. Teaching concentrates on depth and not breadth of understanding.
  5. Thorough analysis of Data to plan for all learners, so all learners can be catered for.  The best use is made of baseline data, exam results, progress tracking and working at levels to ensure that teaching is pitched at the right level for individual pupils to make the maximum progress.  This data is displayed on the front of pupil books so that they know their target and aspiring grades at all times.
  6. Assessment & Marking to evaluate the understanding and progress pupils have made.  Book marking is consistent and follows LEAP making policy.  Pupils are actively involved in respecting their work and respond to teacher comments in purple pen with improvement or depth of understanding in mind.  Assessment and marking informs progress and lesson direction.
  7. Engagement to stimulate pupils and make the learning relevant to their interests and needs.  Pupils are on task and enjoy their lessons.  There is a positive working atmosphere and excellent relationships are apparent throughout.  Pupils fully understand that they are in lesson to learn.
  8. Ensuring that SEND pupils can access the learning through appropriate intervention, support and strategies.  All leaders of learning know the needs of individual pupils and work cohesively with in-class support to provide the right strategic interventions.  A variety of resources and learning styles are adopted in order to make accessibility to the topic manageable for the pupils.
  9. Embedded P4C and Literacy focus to ensure our pupils are equipped with the skills they need to succeed beyond the curriculum. They listen, respond when appropriate, are respectful to each other and have the confidence to speak out within a classroom setting.  Constant encouragements are made for pupils to debate and reason using a high level of literacy.

Each department has a comprehensive curriculum plan that enables the 9 points above to be implemented and learning is observed in accordance with the LEAP observation policy.


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LEAP Teaching Learning Matrix 10th Dec 2020 Download
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